Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has been providing free debt help in the UK since 1996, helping thousands of people get out of debt every year and equipping them with the tools and confidence to face any storms that may come their way in the future.
Face to face and accessible
Our CAP Debt Coach can visit you in your own home, making our service accessible if you find travel challenging. We take time to fully explain each step of the process face to face, answer your questions and address any of your concerns.
Holistic and personal
You are not on your own. We recognise that debt can often be a symptom or cause of wider issues. Our Debt Centre at Enfield Vineyard has a dedicated team of volunteer befrienders who can play a key role in supporting you practically and emotionally through friendship and personal support.
Do I have to be a Christian?
Not at all – our services are for everyone. As Christians, we believe that God answers prayer, so we may offer to pray with you, but it’s up to you if you’re happy for us to do this or not. We’re a charity that is passionate about helping people from all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths
How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing – our Debt help is a completely free service. All you need to do is call Head Office to arrange a first appointment.
Tel: 0800 328 0006
If you need help with making the call or have any questions please contact:
Nicky (CAP Enfield Manager)
Phone: 07599 282715
Email: nickyroutledge@capuk.org
Further information about CAP can be found at capuk.org