‘Honour the LORD with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.’ - Proverbs 3:9 (NLT)
Our financial giving is part of our worship. It’s an expression of our faith, through which we honour God and trust in his provision for our lives. One of our values is to be generous, and it’s the generous giving of those who partner with us at EV that enables us to make a difference and reach the community with the good news about Jesus.
One-off Giving
Bank Transfer
You can make a one-off gift directly to Enfield Vineyard via bank transfer using the details below:
Account No.: 74876760
Sort Code: 30-91-92
Giving on Sundays
You can also give by cash or cheque during one of our services. Simply place your gift directly into one of our giving boxes.
Regular Giving
Standing Order
If you give regularly, you may want to set up a standing order. This can be done via your online banking or by filling out a standing order form and returning it to your bank.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, gift aid allows us to reclaim from HMRC 25p for every £1 donated on your behalf; increasing your giving by 25% at no extra cost to you.
If you are eligible to claim gift aid on your donations, please fill out a gift aid declaration form.
We take our financial responsibilities seriously and are committed to producing accurate monthly management accounts, an annual update for the church during our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and professional audits.
We prioritise outreach in our finances and budget with faith each year; holding in tension God’s power to provide, coupled with a responsibility on us to apply wisdom and common sense to our situation.
If you have any further questions please email: treasurer@enfieldvineyardchurch.com