Sundays 10:30am
Our Sunday gatherings are relaxed, informal and everyone is welcome. We have a time of sung worship, a Bible-based talk and an opportunities for prayer.
We run groups for our Kids and Youth alongside this service throughout the month.
On the fourth Sunday we share communion together.
Fifth Sundays are all-age services.

Arise! Kids on Sunday
Our young people meet during our 10:30am service on the first three Sundays of the month. Sundays provide an opportunity to catch up, discuss life and explore the Bible together; as we discover more of who God is and the life he’s calls us to. Youth join in with welcome and sung worship in our main gathering before heading out to their groups.
On the fourth Sunday we encourage all our young people to serve on team.
Want to know more about youth at EV?
Missed a service?
You can catch up on our latest talks, as well as some of our key series