Our vision to make the reality of Jesus known is just as much for our youth as everyone else. We want to create spaces where our young people thrive as their faith is grown and nurtured.
Club night is chance to make new friends, have fun and ask any questions you might have about life, faith and the world. Join us for table tennis, pool, crafts and games.
Club Night is FREE and young people from any background, faith or no faith are welcome!
When: First Friday of the Month: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Ages: 11-18
Location: 36 Brigadier Hill, EN2 0NQ
Our young people meet during our 10:30am service on the first three Sundays of the month. Sundays provide an opportunity to catch up, discuss life and explore the Bible together, as we discover more of who God is and the life he calls us to. Youth join in with welcome and sung worship in our main gathering before heading out to their groups.
On the fourth Sunday we encourage all our young people to serve on team.
Get involved
If you would like to join our youth and take part in our regular activities, please complete a registration form. This needs to be completed by a parent or guardian.
Dreaming the Impossible
Dreaming the Impossible is a youth movement for young people aged 12-18 from churches and youth organisations everywhere. It is open to all streams, networks and denominations and is run by Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland.
DTI Summer 2025: 2 August - 7 August
Find out more here
For more information about Youth at EV, please contact:
Nana (Youth Pastor)